Sunday 4 May 2014

                                         For you have been called for this purpose, since
                                             Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an 
                                              example for you to follow in His steps.
                                                                 Peter 2:21

 Monday and Tuesday


                          PIZZA PARTY
                        Monday May 5th

                       PLANT THEME
                   Seeds  Soil  Water  Sun

Keeping Printing and Fine Motor Development Fun!
A mom wanted to know ways to make printing fun at home and how to keep her child focused on the task.  Here a few of my thoughts....

1. Find ways that are creative and enjoyable for your child, changing it up from you typical
print practicing sheets. Use oats, salt or shaving cream to trace on tray ~ great sensory fun!

2. Give your child the opportunity to make choices on what letters will be practiced and options of how it can be done.  Learning the letters that make your child's name is much more meaningful to them.

3.  Use other technological devices such as computer, tablet, kindle.

4. Promote other fine motor experiences such as scissor cutting, small block building, tearing paper, threading beads, playdough.  

5.  Be reasonable with the amount to practice and the length of time to avoid frustration.  Set a timer or a visual marker to show when practice will be completed.

6.  Eliminate distractions to encourage greater focus, choose a quite room, turn off tv.

7. Make a list of printing goals for the week and have your child cross them off as they are completed.

8. Increase focus through puzzles and games that you can play together as a family.  This requires concentration and will teach your child to focus while having fun at the same time.